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- Kategorie: Fische
Am 11. Mai 2017 um 14 Uhr werden diese Briefmarken auf der Briefmarkenmesse Essen vorgestellt.
Diese Tiere wurden 2017 neu zur CITES-Liste hinzugefügt.
For over 20 years, the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has is sued stamps to highlight the need for the protection of endangered species throughout the world. UNPA is proud to present this year’s collection, featuring a variety of new species added to or up dated in the CITES appendices in 2017 as a result of the COP17 World Wild life Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2016.
For this stamp issuance, UNPA is having a joint theme stamp issuance with Romfilatelia (the issuing company of Romanian postage stamps). A special first day cover, which contains 12 UN and 4 Romanian stamps, is available and can be purchased by using the order form attached to this Bulletin.
The $1.15 stamps depict the following endangered species:
Paroedura masobe (Masobe gecko)
Alopias spp. (Thresher shark)
Holacanthus clarionensis (Clarion angelfish)
Sclerocactus blainei (Blaine’s fishhook cactus)
The CHF 1,50 stamps depict the following endangered species:
Rhampholeon spp. (Pygmy chameleon)
Mobula spp. (Devil ray)
Adansonia grandidieri (Grandidier’s baobab)
Scaphiophryne marmorata (Green burrowing frog)
The € 0,80 stamps depict the following endangered species:
Capra caucasica (Caucasian tur)
Nautilidae spp. (Nautilus)
Siphonochilus aethiopicus (Natal ginger)
Lygodactylus williamsi (William’s dwarf gecko)
The 2017 Endangered Species folder is a specially designed album with descriptive information about each species in English, French and German. Each stamp is beautifully highlighted by a colourful array of photographs and information
relating to the species. It should be noted that the Endangered Species stamps will not be included in the 2017 Annual Collection albums. The booklet is available in mint and cancelled condition.
Quelle: UN Post